Cool story feature from Star Wars: A New Hope that creates a parallel between fiction and real life

There’s a mirroring from a set of components from a portion of the film and two, otherwise, joined real world elements. In Roman mythology, briefly put, the god Jupiter is at odds with and conquers the god Saturn. Then, speaking about planets, Jupiter is a ‘gas giant’, and Saturn has a perpetual hexagon at it’s north pole. They’re also next to each other in planetary order.

In the final dramatic action sequence of A New Hope, the Rebel base on Yavin 4–a moon of a gas giant called Yavin Prime–is under immediate threat from the Empire. The Death Star must navigate around Yavin Prime to be able to clear a shot and destroy the moon and Rebel base. The Death Star’s weak point that the Rebels are attempting to exploit is a thermal exhaust port. This is a hexagon shaped structure. The film ends with the Rebels winning and the Death Star being destroyed.

The parallel is as follows:

Mythology – Jupiter in conflict with and conquers Saturn/Planets – Jupiter(a gas giant) and Saturn(hexagon north pole)

Star Wars – Yavin Prime(a gas giant) in conflict with the Death Star(hexagon weak point)leading to it’s destruction

Star Wars parallel